Example of working with zone in buildings

This notebook is an introduction to working with zone data in the preheat_open toolbox.

from preheat_open import set_logging_level, test
set_logging_level("WARNING") # prevent annoying info logs from printing
from preheat_open.building import Building
2022-03-18 11:22:28,351  INFO      api                               Loading config from /home/ask/.preheat/config.json                                                                                                                .(api.py:126)

We load the API test location

b = Building(2756)
Building(2756): API test location - TEST

While Preheat units describe the “moving parts” of a building structure, the zones describe the physical layout of the building. To get a list of the zones of a building we call its zones attribute

[Zone(Zone_A), Zone(Zone_B)]

Every zone has as unique id given by the id attribute

z = b.zones[0]

We can use the zone id when querying zones from the building by providing a list of ids to the get_zones method which returns a list of zones.


To learn about the type of a zone we use the get_type method which returns the type of the zone, e.g. ‘stairway’, ‘corridor’ or ‘bathroom’, and its dryness, i.e. ‘dry’, ‘wet’ or ‘?’ (for unknown dryness)

('stairway', 'dry')

Finding the units of a zone

Zones usually have associated units, such as secondary heating or indoor climate units. Using the get_units method we can query for the units of a given type, such as secondaries. The optional boolean flag sub_zones (defaults to True) tells the method whether to recursively query sub zones or not.

print("Units coupled to the zone itself:", z.get_unit_types(sub_zones=False))
print("Units coupled to the zone and sub zones:", z.get_unit_types())
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_16425/3029097866.py in <module>
----> 1 print("Units coupled to the zone itself:", z.get_unit_types(sub_zones=False))
      2 print("Units coupled to the zone and sub zones:", z.get_unit_types())

AttributeError: 'Zone' object has no attribute 'get_unit_types'

Say we are interested in a list of all the indoor climate units connected to the zone we use get_units (with the sub_zones flag working similarly to before)

[ ]:
print("Indoor climate units coupled to the zone itself:", z.get_units("indoorClimate", sub_zones=False))
print("Inddoor climate units coupled to the zone and/or sub zones:", z.get_units("indoorClimate"))

Finding the zone of a unit

Next we wish to consider a unit and determine its associated zone(s). Consider an arbitrary indoor climate unit and list its associated zone id(s)

[ ]:
ic = b.query_units("indoorClimate")[0]

These can then be called from the building using the get_zones method.